Motivational School Camp for Upper Primary Students
Grace Training Centre held its first ever motivational school overnight camp for its students. A total of 75 students from the age of 10 to 17 attended the school camp which was led by 7 teachers. The purpose of the Motivation Camp was to motivate our students to look forward to their future by having dreams to chase after it. The camp provides oppurtunities for our students’ personal growth and development through team work and a range of carefully planned collaborative activities.
To kick off for the camp, some exciting ice-breaking games were organised, in which they had to work together on to successfully complete the tasks. During the subsequent classroom-based Motivation Workshop, the students were equipped with the keys of success that could motivate them in all aspects of leading a successful life and future. Significantly, they were encouraged to reflect on how best to achieve both short- and long-term future goals. Lastly, we would like to express our sincere thanks to Jenny Fu, 秀雁 and 李国春for their sponsorship of meals for campers of the 2-day and 1-night camp.
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